VIP champions Integrate project in West Yorkshire
Published: 9th December 2021

It’s been great to be working with four music hubs in West Yorkshire as part of their Integrate project. The project aims to boost inclusive working in each hub and promote collaborative working in mainstream education, PRUs, and community and SEND settings.
The VIP Studio Sessions team will be involved in training tutors, while our platform will be used by all the young people involved to create music. The cloud-based approach will be free for them.
Funded by Youth Music, the Integrate project brings together Wakefield Music Education Hub, NYMAZ, Artforms, Bradford Music Education Hub, Kirklees Music Education Hubs, Charanga and DJ School.
One of the big issues facing our sector is its lack of joined-up working in and between different educational settings. This project is addressing that directly. I love the idea that music-making in a PRU could help young people return to mainstream education, and the fact that Integrate is going to be available across such a wide range of locations, spaces and communities.
– Max Wheeler, VIP Author, Charanga
Charanga’s award-winning VIP platform supports the teaching and learning of contemporary music genres like Hip Hop, Rap Beats, Pop and House and is the perfect introduction to music technology and production.
If you would like to find out more about the programme, please email:, or to take a look, start a free 30-day trial here.